Small Business Startup Loan

Most of the DSEAP International organization is focused on food and/or monetary donations in order to help struggling individuals repair damage to their home, pay their rent, obtain an education and keep food on the table. But, we also provide opportunities for individuals to start their own small business so they can earn their own wages and support their family for the long term. Our small business startup loan program is available to use to open supermarkets, bodegas, beauty shops and more. These small business startup loans provide job opportunities, stimulate the local economy and allow people to take pride in their community.

Financing Small Business Startups

The founding members and volunteers each have many years of experience in corporate settings and are very business savvy. They’ll use their expertise to help individuals create a business plan, organize and execute a strategy for success. We’ll then help to calculate the cost for startup, including supplies, rent and employee wages. Once all strategies and funding expenses have been discussed and outlined, DSEAP International will lend the money to open the business. We allow the business to run for some time in order to ensure its long term success before we ask that the loan be paid back to the organization to help another individual.

Past Successful Business Testimonials

Testimonial 1: In 2016 DSEAP International loaned money to a man in Pakistan in order to start his own small business food store. After only 2 years the business was so successful the man was able to pay back his loan in full. He was so grateful to the organization to be able to start his own business and find success.

Testimonial 2: Similarly, in 2016 our organization helped a village in Pakistan open their first store, which sold food, toiletries and other basic necessities. DSEAP International helped the owner purchase all of the goods needed to stock the shelves. 

DSEAP International is a non-profit, charity organization offering financial aid and food donations to struggling families throughout Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and Nepal. The majority of our funding (90%)  comes from our founder Mr. Davis Hidayat, as well as monetary donations from team members, volunteers and individuals. DSEAP International does not receive any funding from the US Government. To learn more about how you can contribute to our charitable programs, call to speak with a member of our team.